You can build very robust and secure fences with concrete blocks. A concrete block fence is more expensive and labor intensive than a simple chain link or cedar one table, but if you are looking for security and durability, it will provide. A concrete block fence can also be an effective sound barrier, for example, between a residence and a busy road.
- Foundation
For a fence of concrete blocks to last, it should be spread down below the freezing line. If you build a fence of concrete blocks by simply starting the first course on the surface of the earth, frost heaves will cause and possibly fall within a few years. You need to start by digging a ditch or rock bed or four or five feet below the surface, depending on your climate; is the coldest of its region, is deeper than the freezing line. Building block start below the freeze line means that the frost does not pull anything underneath the blocks and make them move. They can, however, potentially change the blocks sideways, if there is more pressure on one side than the other.
- Curves and elbows
Make a concrete block fence stronger by avoiding long straight sections. A wavy pattern or fence constructed with frequent curves is stronger because the curved footprint helps to make it less prone to overturns. If you need to build a long fence from one point to another, this method will substantially increase the amount of work and blocks involved and also look a bit funny. Another option is to reinforce the fence every 10 or 15 feet with buttresses, which are block constructions that extend perpendicularly from the face of the wall to help prevent it from overturning.
- Cover
The life of your fence will increase considerably if you are careful to build a lid of some sort that throw water to the blocks and prevent them from running inside them. You can achieve this with commercial tiles that are made for this purpose, or flat stones superimposed. Whatever you use, it should extend outward from both sides of the fence so that water drips on the edge of the covers rather than running down the face of the blocks. If it gets between blocks of water and then freezes, the fence will be damaged.